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Get Featured / Brand Promotion


Free Shoutout

Included Features

  1. 60 Second Reel

  2. Tagging 1 Instagram ID

  3. Our team will choose a suitable caption.

  4. Our team will use suitable hashtags

  5. Our team will choose the date and time of the posting (Subject to content quality)

  6. The post will be available permanently on our profile.

  7. No customer support

  8. No brand promotion allowed.

  9. No analytics will be shared.

  10. We receive a huge number of submissions due to which posting might take some time.

  11. All the best.


Paid Promotion
(Post Only)

Included Features

  1. Up to 90 seconds of video or single post or up to 10 carousel posts.

  2. Tagging multiple Instagram IDs

  3. The caption of your choice 

  4. Hashtags of your choice (30 hashtags allowed by Instagram)

  5. Your desired time and date for posting (Book 2 days prior to the posting date)

  6. The post will be visible for 24 hours

  7. Analytics will be shared

  8. Customer Support on WhatsApp for promotion communication


Paid Promotion
(Story Only)

Included Features

  1. Upto 60 Seconds Video or 1 post

  2. Tagging multiple Instagram IDs (As per Instagram guidelines)

  3. Link of your choice 

  4. Hashtags of your choice (1 hashtag allowed by Instagram)

  5. Your desired time and date for posting (Book 2 days prior to the posting date)

  6. The story will be visible for 24 hours

  7. Analytics will be shared

  8. Customer Support on WhatsApp for promotion communication

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